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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by BluishHazel 7 years ago.

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  • #427
    Hello all!
    I can't describe how happy I am to have found this site and hopefully a community to engage with and learn from!

    I am just very passionate about illustration and drawing, and always did it for fun. I am starting to think though that I wouls like to inprove and maybe consider a career in illustration... so here I am. I am still fresh and confused and in the "what is my style" drama... but I just decided to keep drawing and exploring until something will emerge. I have a tumblr account for anyone interested which is il"cappottorosso". I have also followed my first class here and I was happy with the challenge even if it is quite hard. Hopefully I will see improvements soon. Thanks and again great site!
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    hello Cappottorosso! Nice to see you and best of luck with the challenge!
    Hello, Cappottorosso! It's a pleasure to meet you! Sounds like you and I are in a similar boat; I discovered I have a passion for drawing a few years ago and did it off and on for fun, and I just decided recently that I want to be a comic artist. I'm thrilled to have found this site and community to help me improve! And again, I'm so glad to meet you! :)

    I'm going to get a Tumblr set up in the next week or two. As soon as I do, I'll be sure to look at yours!

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