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  • #26524

    I love what you've posted out so far, Katie, I feel and I think, that you're making fine progress so far. I've checked out images 4 and 6, and I think the poses- in part or in whole-still hold more clearly in the forms (actually, a whole lot more in image 4 than image 6)

    But, if I was to point out one whole issue or two, then it would be that some or several of the poses are a mite too choppier in the line quality in the gestures-which us artists have to deal with every day for the rest of our careers, and our lives. Why don't you please do your first newest 67 minutes (4020 seconds/1 hour 7 minutes) of 30 seconds of life figural poses?????????

    Why????????? As a result, even with three different flips, your poses will become more bolder and more forceful in their storytelling content, especially in their backs--Not to mention the fact, that even when you sketch them out standing up, it tends to free us artists and drawers up into using our whole shoulders, rather than our whole wrists.

    Hope you've found that completely and totally ducky, beneficial and conducive to artistry.


    Imokay, thanks for making your post accessible to me.

    I just wanna say, thanks for posting your hand sketches. They are very good gesture sketches indeed.

    I mean, as far as a range of movement and raw caricature goes, I feel that you are slowly getting there.

    As far as my concern is, for the line economy, I think they are bolder, and I really feel that they are a bit too choppy. Why don't you please be much, much, much, much more bold and decisive in your line choices? Why don't you pretty please do 65 minutes of 29-second sketches, all flipped horizontally or vertically???? Why???? As a result, your line control will become the loose, light, and large. But wait there's more. You can work on your sketches while standing up, if you feel like it. But wait, there's more? Also, you can completely be even more longer and livelier in your range of movement and exaggerate your hand gestures.

    For more details on exaggeration, rent yourself a copy of a book or Audible of The Little Book of Talent, by Daniel Coyle.

    Hope you'll find this helpful, nicer, and encouraging.


    I love your 30-second poses, Dawrushesin, they are very good poses. I love how well you communicate and the action, acting, and motion of your attitudes. But, I've got one little suggestion: I love how loose your line quality and understanding is, but why don't you please do 63 minutes of 29 second bodies of figure studies? Why??? Because, it'll help your drawings become really loose, long, large, light, and really much lively, and with lines of action and rhythm.

    Not to mention the fact that you could do some 30-second studies of some Dan Haskett artwork that you can find on Google or DuckDuckGo, or whatever search engine. There is no one search engine better than the other. What else?? Because, cartoons are all about caricaturing and exaggerating the gestures, like how Dan draws his stuff, precisely, with not rough sketch. Hope you've found this completely and totally promising.


    Nice post, SodaGhost, can you please give me permission to your post, so that I can constructively critique your hand drawings? I've sent a request already. Happy sketching.


    I really love what you've got there, boskiddlybop. Again, I see, in the left hand side of that 30-second sketch of the stick figures, I see some of that forcefulness creeping in there, but that's still a little bit too off in the body proportions, even you've gotten a little bit loose. Why don't you please do 57 more minutes of 60-second figurative poses? Why???? Because, you'll lighten up your forms in terms of, not just the look, but the whole feeling of them. As for the rest, keep it up on your current progress. Hope you've found it nice and encouraging.


    Great job, KhasDrake, nice range on your drawing skills. I love the 10 minute drawing, but I love the 30-second ones so much.

    However, I've got one tiny advance: I completely adore the cartooniness and expressiveness of the 30-second warm-ups, why don't you please do 52 more minutes of 30-second figure studies????

    Why? Because, it'll make your body sketches more easier in looks and appearance, while at the same time, make your sketches fuller of vitality, spirit and energy.

    Hope you'll find this completely and absolutely useful and practical.


    Hello, everyone, this is Polyvios Animations, how are you all doing? Fine, and I hope you're all well.

    Say, let me please ask you a question: What animation school has exceptional drawing classes?

    A) Cal Arts?

    B) Sheridan?

    C) Gobelins?

    D) VanArts?

    Just asking. Have a nice morning, noon, or night!

    P.S. I know more than four, but this list is long enough at this post.


    Nice try on posting, but I still don't have access to your link. Why don't you please grant me permission?

    Why???? Because, you couldn't be shy, and you really could benefit to you, me, and all of us here, to critique your work on that link.

    Hope you'd find it an extremely crucial asset.



    Wow! Nice job on those quick drawings you've put out, Gorkem, those are very greater!!

    If I was to propose a workout of the bugs, then it would be to, would you please do 43 more minutes of 30-second poses of all states of dress?

    The reason why is because, it'll give you a lot of practice on how to pose the funniest attitudes in terms of ideas and energies.

    Hope it's been completely and totally big.


    I have no experience. I have know knowledge on playing Splatoon, in terms of the story and characters, and experience. I'm saying that your poses are getting to be on the right track.

    I think, that if I was to give you a suggestion to improve those bodies of arms of either sister character, then it would be to really and totally make to Left girl more timider, while you make the older sister much more bolder as far as the lines of action and balance are concerned; all warming up to 42 minutes of 30 seconds of Nintendo and Splatoon poses, all working more loosely and confidently, would you please do those?

    The reason is because, your acting and posing choices will become even most stronger in terms of the vitality and humor. Ooh, and one more thing, would you like to please add a brighter, but not to bright pink highlight on one of the sister's tentacles. So, it'll make the values and colors more perfectly readable.

    Hope they have been completely and totally a pivotal and vital asset. Happy cartooning!


    Nice work, alfeilia, I've seen your gestural poses so far, that's very brave of you, indeed. You've chosen the path to be a much more greater artist than you've ever dreamed of.

    If I could recommend you an improvement, then it would be to caricature and exaggerate the poses and attitudes even more looser and unbounded. Why don't you please warm up with 41 minutes of 30-second figure studies?

    The reason why is because, your relationships will become much insightful and sensitive, and your line quality and consistency will become even more bolder and lightest.

    Hope it's been completely and totally active.


    Excellent job on your figures, hands, and feet, Eunlan, especially on your gestures and proportions!

    So, if I was to give you a completely honest suggestion: it would be to please go right into the lines of action with 34 minutes of 30-second poses? The reason why is because, as a result, your hands, feet and figures will have a more unprecedented range of movement, like you've never done before or since.

    Hope it's been completely and totally constructive.


    Absolutely brilliant sketches of figures, felinel, they're absolutely great.

    But I've got one small, tiny. little request: I love how the big strokes are being felt there, but why don't you please unshackle them in 31 minutes of 30 second poses?? And why???? Because, it'll make your much broader strokes become even more forceful and sincere in attitudes.

    Hope this piece of advice is definitely salutary.


    I love those quick poses, HelpMeFriends, I think you've really gotten the message of that exercise. Quick sketching is not about how beautiful your sketch is, it's how fast you can put it out with as few lines as possible.

    If I was to give you 2 suggestions, then they would be:

    1- Work more from your shoulder and lesser from your wrist.

    2- could you please do 30 minutes of 30 second life drawings from here and the rest of the Web?

    The reasons why is because: a) you'll not be able to spend as much time on the details, still, you can get to be more faster and economic with your line quality. b) Your gestural poses will become even more funnier and most caricatured in motion.

    I hope they've been completely and totally propitious.


    Love how you understand your back anatomy, that's extraordinary.

    If I can suggest you a recommendation, then it would be to sketch out the same backs, only in 27 minutes of 30 second poses, please? The reason why is because, your backshots will be even most cartooniest and expressive in gestures and poses.

    Hope it's been completely brave.