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  • #26190

    Nice job on your post, Yarileaf, very promising and full of potential in your 30 second gestures, yet, I've got one small suggestion: Would you please like to go for the general facial proportions and angles (facial relationships, and the perception around them), in 29 seconds, in one calligraphic stroke, pretty please?

    And you wanna know why???? Because, you get a more expressive and cartoony signature style of rendering facial relationships.

    Hope you've found it completely and definitely invaluable.

    Polyvios Animations.

    Ps. take care!!!


    Nice post, but I just don't see the two images you posted (or tried to post). Please try that post again, and remember, and don't forget to make the images more visible. Thanks.


    Wow! Nicer job on your face drawings, KatieOfConrad. Very slicker, smoother, and has a very nicer appeal to it.

    If I were to give you an honest and sincere opinion on your facial expression 2 minute drawings,here is this image below:

    I'd looked at all of those sketches, and it states that you're on a totally right path (I believe), why don't you loosen up your recognizability of your sketches in 119 seconds per scribble. It can get so, you'll even get into cartooning and caricatures in those facial expression designs. The reason is because, your recognizability of those facial feature sketches will become more solidest, fluidest, and most energetic.

    Hope it's been even more important.



    Hi NoahT. I've been looking at your life sketches lately. And it states that there's some marked improvement with each new sketch.

    Take for example, I've looked at some line of action poses, it's clear that you're on the right track. Very solid, very fluid, but the liveliness is really getting there. You could have made those poses with the LOA more fluider and vital-er. Why don't you go at those gestures again, in a 30 second drawing. Why? Because your line of action will become the most longest, fluidest, vital-est, and energetic-est.

    Hope that it's been most friendly.

    Polyvios Animations


    Awesome job on your studies, Endolphinz, very great promise.

    Here is my latest link to a latest gesture drawing tutorial from Proko. Here:

    The reason why you'll need to watch that tutorial is because, it will help you on your latest studies in gesture drawing vs contour drawing. Hope it's been favorable to you and your progress.

    Polyvios Animations


    Thanks for your posts, allyson-tan, but I've got one small critique on your 1-2 minute figure study sketches, especially gKehZof.jpg. If you look at the figure study on the left-hand side of the sheet of paper, you'll see that you're really doing almost cartoony and exaggerated proportions and lines action, and lines of rhythm. I'm not getting enough life and vitality and feeling of action in that one pose on the left hand side of the sheet of paper. Why don't you go loosen up with 2 minutes of 30 second sketches (20x30 seconds drawings), pretty please? Because, if your goal is to make your study of rendering less stiff and more dynamic energetic and fluid, then you'll get a much stronger idea on less of how your drawing should look, but how fast you can churn it out.

    What my experience taught me is that I could draw more pictures faster that way,and I tend to do that when I'm storyboarding, designing, and rough animating. In conclusion, here are the following books I'd recommend to you: Anthony Ryder's Book on Figure Sketching and Sarah Simblet's Anatomy for the Artist. Hope it can and will be essential to you and your productive schedule.

    Polyvios Animations


    Nice job on your stick limb gestures, Daresom, way to go! Question: What is your current goal for today? Hope you'll find this a crucial question.

    Polyvios Animations


    Thanks for your very first new post, daresom, yet let me say that both life drawings, and any and every drawing done with a line of action all count altogether. My question is plainly this: What will you be working on for the morning, noon, or evening???

    Cheers, and have a healthiest day.

    Polyvios Animations


    Love any drawings you did, acharbonnet.

    I really love your 30 second gestures, to your 1 mins, to your 5 mins. Why don't you focus on your body, hand and foot gestures even more, in your next 30 minute class, on hands and feet, pretty please?? Because, you will succeed in capturing the animation of forces and forms of those hands, feet, and them.

    I have some mixed feelings on your longer studies (10 & 30 minute poses). Don't get me wrong, you're off to a good start on the perception of edges, shapes, and spaces. However, some of the anatomy and foot proportions and angles are sorta off, sorry. Why don't you loosen up your relationships of them?? Pretty, pretty please??? As a result, you will record even more than believable angles of the feet and bones and muscles. If you ever want to master foot bones and muscles, be sure to look up a copy of Sarah Simblet's Anatomy for the Artist. It's extremely vital and important for every and any art student.

    Just trust me on the comment thing. Hope it's been really, really, really, really crucial into your next post. Take care, and stay safest.

    Polyvios Animations


    Wowee, Enchanting! That's a good start!!

    Boy, I'm telling you, you've got a really longer way to go, so keep on practicing. As they always say, practice makes progress and possible, and progress and possible makes perfect.

    Hope it's been cooperative,



    Nice job on your 30 minute class, Bo30, thanks. Yet, if I can give you a tip or two, then it would be these: 1) Do yet another 10 minutes of 30 second quick sketches, because it'll train your brain on how to innately record your gestures with as much fewer lines as possible; and 2) For more details and information on how to perceive the proportions/anatomy, pick up a copy of the Betty Edwards book, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (4th Definitive Edition), as a result, you may and might get a more stronger message of relationships, or proportions and angles.

    As I always say, practice makes progress, and progress makes perfect, alright??

    BTW, take care and stay safe.

    Polyvios Animations


    Wow! Really great job on your memory gestures thus far, Mmmichelle. Very good.

    And as for your request for a critique, and if you wanna render memoried poses, be sure to check out this link right here., please?

    The reason is because, you improve on your drawing figure studies and other drawings from memory dramatically quickly as you can. Hope that it's been advantageous. Take care.


    Love all those gestures, yotastrejos, greatest job on those yet. Greatest job on the line quality of those gestures. Greatest job in all of them.

    I've got one small suggestion: What is your goal for today? The reason why I asked is because, what is your current goal for tonight?? If you really want to strengthen your movement and action-packed quality into your work, pick up a copy of Vols. 1 and 2 of the Walt Stantchfield Books on Animation. They have almost everything that a non-animation school and animation school student is looking for to give all their drawings their range of expression and storytelling ability.

    Hope this has been a cooperative question.

    Polyvios Animations


    I absolutely love all your sketches (10 minutes) so far, Cactus. Love the line quality in most of them.

    My critique is this: I see some timidity in the gestures of the muscle structures. Why don't you draw from your shoulder in 600 seconds of 30 second sketches, pretty please?

    The reason why you'd do this type of sketching is because, your movements of the nude female muscles will become even more looser and expressive. Hope it has been convienient.

    Polyvios Animations


    I love your gesture sketches, Denonychus, yet I love your gesture poses even more! Please don't be too hard on yourself. Enjoy yourself and the process!!

    But, I've got one question: How long did your gesture sketches take for you to sketch them out? Why?? Because, I am correctly assuming that you've loosened yourself up in 30 seconds or more. But I digress. Take some more time on your relationships (proportions and angles), and your spaces, while working with a prepped ground.

    Hope it has been extremely helpful and constructive.

    Stay safest.

    Polyvios Animations