The wonderful model Christian Mauricio has gifted out community 13 poses, all brightly lit with a clean white background. These are all available for everyone to practice with right away. Just head on over to the figure study tool and they have a chance to show up in your study rotation! Continue reading
News & announcements: Renaissance model with no costume part 2
Today I am bringing you the second batch of 80 photos of our renaissance model, but without the costumes. Continue reading
News & announcements: Renaissance model, but without costumes
I've had some people express interest in photos with the model who did our renaissance costume series, but without the costumes. So today and next week we'll be doing that! Continue reading
News & announcements: Final batch of Jorge Zam photos for now
Today we have 80 photos photos from a classic in-studio photo shoot. Continue reading
News & announcements: Jorge Zam seated bench poses
These are mostly seated poses, taken on a covered bench in natural light. Continue reading
News & announcements: 73 new Jorge Zam photos
Today we have 73 poses including some fairly unusual folded in half standing poses. Continue reading
News & announcements: 49 moody Jorge Zam poses
These have beautiful moody lighting, ideal for value studies. Continue reading
News & announcements: 92 Jorge Zam photos
Today we have some wonderful new poses from Jorge Zam. There are 40 poses free for everyone, and 52 available to full members. Continue reading
News & announcements: Final release of the renaissance painting costumes photo shoot
Today is the last release in our series inspired by old master renaisaance paintings. Today's costume -- toga, cape, sword, and even sometimes a fur sash. Continue reading
News & announcements: Renaissance photos - an interlude with a rope prop
We may have lost the plot a tiny bit on this one. Today's costume was meant to be a sash but was more often a scarf - however, we did add a rope prop! Continue reading