Practicas de inicio
© 2021 Besaida
Se trata de bocetos realizados en 5 minutos.
What Do IPut Here
The body looks good, though i would say you should work more on the face proportions
Gracias por tomarte tu tiempo para omentar mi trabajo, tomaré en cuenta tu sugerencia, la cual creo muy acertada. Gracias¡
Don't get caught up in the details this early. Working on the face so early is a trap we All fall into. Remember this is a gesture of the body, not the face.
Try to work on your proportions and base shapes. The nose, fingers and chest are never as important as the general head shape, general hand shape and ribcage. If you focus on these latter points your work will improve drastically.
All the best,
JCML Fine Art
Don't get caught up in the details this early. Working on the face so early is a trap we All fall into. Remember this is a gesture of the body, not the face.
Try to work on your proportions and base shapes. The nose, fingers and chest are never as important as the general head shape, general hand shape and ribcage. If you focus on these latter points your work will improve drastically.
All the best,
JCML Fine Art