Gesture 1 min poses

by Jlara215, December 21st 2023 © 2023 Jlara215
Trying to understand the process of finding the gesture without looking to deep into it and letting go of trying to get the "perfect" outline. Any advice/critique is greatly appreciated. Thank you, JL
Aunt Herbert
What I would advice for the 1 minute gestures: forget about the limbs as much as possible, arms and legs, more like schmarms and schmegs. Same with outline, schmoutline.

Focus on head and torso, head and torso, head and torso. Head in relation to shoulderline/ribcage, ribcage in relation to hip. If you get these relations correct, the pose is essentially defined, if you get them sloppily or incorrect, the pose is also defined, but as flawed.

Off course in some poses head and/or torso are hidden behind limbs, then you will have to find some lines for the limbs, but don't go into detail with them at all. If you absolutely feel, you have to indicate them in a specific pose, one line per entire limb is enough, and usually already more than necessary in a 1 min or shorter pose. Drawing out the limbs and completing the outline is left for the 5 minute and longer poses.

Don't obsess on "finishing" the 1 minute pieces. That is not what their intention is. The idea of the 30 sec and 1 min poses is solely to practice head and torso over and over again, with way more repetitions than you do with limbs or outlines or god forbid with fancy details like rendering shadows.

Don't be hasty in these short pieces either. Take your time to find a few beautiful and intentional lines to indicate head and torso, then start the next attempt as the image switches.

After all, those 30 sec/1 min poses are supposed to have the potential to be the basic starting point for longer poses. If you hurry to cram in all informations into the first minute, what do you plan to do with the rest of the time on the longer pieces? If you basically finish the piece in 1 minute, and then spend 9 minutes to add details and embellishments to a flawed foundation, the result will look horrible, sorry.
That's great feedback thank you!

I definitely struggle in wanting to see the finish outline. Next study I'll solely focus on head and torso as you mentioned.

Thank you again,

Polyvios Animations
Hello again, Jlara, and welcome back. Nice job on displaying your range of forces, edges, and silhouettes and negative spaces in your attitudes. Way to go! But, I'm getting way too much chicken scratch or hen scratch in your lines of your upper legs in your poses. Would you like to kindly go ahead with 53 minutes of 29 second poses?

As a result of my constructive feedback, then your line smoothness will be drawn as much as holistic but bold in strokes. For more information, kindly look into Drawn to Life Vols. 1 and 2 on Amazon Kindle.

Good luck from us to you.

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