5ish min gesture

by Jlara215, January 11th 2024 © 2024 Jlara215

In this 5ish min gesture I was focusing on my proportions and rhythm of the body.

I still feel I'm a little stiff with my lines and slowly breaking away from focusing on the finished product.

Been working on doing only 30sec and 1min gestures this past week. Personally I feel its improving, but still have work to do.

Please feel feel to leave critique, always appreciated!

Thank you,


Polyvios Animations

Hello again.

Nice job and great job on your display of forces over spaces and forms on your nude female figure study. I love the lines of action. I love the construction. And I love the silhouette, but I don't love the stiffness of the bones in her anatomy above. Would you like to kindly go ahead with 7 minutes of 1 minute skeleton and bone part studies? (7 sketches)

The reason why you could and would go ahead with this constructive feedback is because your arm bones and skeletons will and can become less stiff and more fluid, flowing, and lively. For more details, please look into that Anatomy book by Joseph Sheppard on Amazon.com.

My hat's off to you.


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