News & announcements

News & announcements: Filter images by age range

Did you notice that this week we launched a new feature for the Figure Drawing tool? You can now choose to include or exclude specific age ranges. We had been getting requests for the ability to filter out children and babies and have them be part of their own practice sessions, given their dramatically different proportions from adults. Continue reading

News & announcements: 13 figure study images from Zoom classes

There are 13 new photos in the Figure Drawing tool today, from Betsy and David Art Models. Since quarantine hit, they have been experimenting with doing Zoom figure drawing sessions, getting creative with the best ways to adapt live classes to an online environment and playing with ideas to take advantage of the medium that aren't available in the "real world" Continue reading

News & announcements: New animal photos

I have 10 farmyard animals from a photographer who prefers to remain anonymous, along with 10 aquatic birds (Canada geese, mallards, and a great blue heron) from the photographer Clara Columbus. Woohoo! :D These are all available immediately, free of charge. :) Continue reading