Excellent job on your current batch of figure drawings, kumotori, I feel like you're really getting better on your gestures, in capturing them, and I really, really thing your stiffness is disapperaing in favor of flexible lines and shapes.
If my totally and completely genuine criticism is very concerned, it would be that your overall proportions on the human figure are all on the right track, but still, I'm not getting enough cartooniness and caricature of the poses, especially on the straights vs. curves on the 30 second quick sketches. Why don't you please kindly do even more therapy sketches in 30 minutes of 25 second quick poses (1800seconds/25=72 quick gestures in a day)
The reason why is because, if your current goal is to rough out your sketches for your animaiton practices, then I would recommend and allow you to do so fairly quickly.
So hat's off to you and your goal, and I hope you've found my criticism more informative and encouraging.
If my totally and completely genuine criticism is very concerned, it would be that your overall proportions on the human figure are all on the right track, but still, I'm not getting enough cartooniness and caricature of the poses, especially on the straights vs. curves on the 30 second quick sketches. Why don't you please kindly do even more therapy sketches in 30 minutes of 25 second quick poses (1800seconds/25=72 quick gestures in a day)
The reason why is because, if your current goal is to rough out your sketches for your animaiton practices, then I would recommend and allow you to do so fairly quickly.
So hat's off to you and your goal, and I hope you've found my criticism more informative and encouraging.