Forum posts by Polyvios Animations

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  • #30073

    Good evening, Lunchuan, and welcome back. Well, to comment your your more than recent pieces, I must do say, that your figural constructions and forces are all totally on the righter track, in terms of the bone and muscle anatomy, but in terms of the relationships, but in terms of edges and silhouettes, but yet, the gestalt, but the line efficiency and exaggeration but with boiling things down to the raw-er essence could use more work, so how would you love to try gesture drawing to warm yourself up the every bone and muscle in the human body?

    But, these simpler poses could use a bit more dynamics in the poses, so why don't you please loosen them up as a warmup, but, you don't really need to worry about the more complex relationships so soon, so how would you like to be more softer in your lines to them along with the spaces and forces?

    As a result of three things:

    1) To make your bones and muscles more distilled than they actually are.

    2) To make the more simpler poses more edgier but vital in any position and angle.

    3) To be even more intuitive in terms of your body and head relationships.

    And, if you're completely curious about body caricatures, kindly look into the Mike Mattessi forces Livestreams on YouTube, like this one:


    &t=766s (but it's usually for Animes, hint, hint)

    My hat's off to you, but let's hope they've benefited you even more.


I don't how to answer your question but I'll try to give you my answer, but here is one of the YouTube videos from Proko.

It may be the most basic, but I hope this has helped you out in your current goal.


Good evening Kekskuchen, and welcome aboard. How are you doing this afternoon?

Nicest job on your range of motions and gestures in your figures and forms, but these all seem too stiffest but stilted to me yet. Why don't you please try out your very first 30 minute class of figure drawings?

The arguement is because, your movement drawings will be drawn the least stiffest but most dynamic, action-packed, but liveliest.

My hat's off to you.


Hello there, Kheir, and welcome back this evening, but I think you're doing a mighty sweller but awesomer job on your range of brushstrokes in gestures of scenes and environments, but these strokes all seem too dryer to me, so why don't you please keep on wetting the paper on 2 sides, then more quickly roughing out the graphic lines and shapes of colors and tones, all from photos flipped vertically.

The reason is because, it can and will be able to develop but refine your watercolor painting technique in painting scenes and landscapes, but, the wetter the strokes, the looser the strokes. For most details, please look into studying one of the painting tutorials on how to paint wetter but looser.

My hat's off to you and good night.

Bonjour, Kheir, et bienvenue ce soir, mais je pense que vous faites un travail puissant mais plus impressionnant sur votre gamme de coups de pinceau dans les gestes de scènes et d'environnements, mais ces coups me semblent tous trop secs, alors pourquoi ne pas t vous continuez à mouiller le papier sur 2 faces, puis dégrossissez plus rapidement les lignes graphiques et les formes de couleurs et de tons, le tout à partir de photos retournées verticalement.

La raison en est qu'il peut et pourra développer mais affiner votre technique de peinture à l'aquarelle dans la peinture de scènes et de paysages, mais plus les traits sont humides, plus les traits sont lâches. Pour plus de détails, veuillez étudier l'un des tutoriels de peinture sur la façon de peindre plus humide mais plus lâche.

Je vous tire mon chapeau et bonne nuit.


Bonjour and hello, Keizia, and welcome aboard, I'm Polyvios, and how are you tonight? Say you're doing a mighty great therefore swell job on your basic shapes and forms, your animals, cats, felines, and figures, as gestures and basic lines go. Please do keep on pushing and pulling them more.

However, your attitude needs more work, if you could just please take a 30 minute nap, but why don't you please work with our interactive drawing tutorial, though it's only figure studies?

The reason is because of two facts,

1) Healthy body, healthy mind.

2) To be more broad in terms of your lines of action, even in your still lifes, basic shapes, and more.

For more info, please look into some Marc Brunet videos on YouTube, like this one.

My hat's off to you, friend, and good night, but have more fun.


Hi, Htlaps,

I think your face and expression drawings are completely but totally expressive but solid, in terms of them being done for 60 seconds each, but I feel that these faces and expressions all seem too rigid to me yet. How would you like to please go for 16 minutes of 30 second faces and expressions sketches, all just to completely and totally loosen up your forces and forms of those faces?

The reason why is because, your accuracy and speed will constantly improve with much more constant practice, even if you're past 10 hours of drawing practice or more, but to make your facial forms and forces less rigider, but all the most spontaneous, fluider, but more human yet.

For most info, look into the Andrew Loomis book on Drawing Faces and Hands, for more practice on drawing faces and more, so hope these have helped you out the most.


To Whom It May/Might Concern,

The problem is striking again! Every time I try to reload my webpage to upload my newer image in my newest 30 minute class mode, but the bar stops loading. Everybody knows knows it, but nobody has the guts to TAKE ACTION!! Please do something!

Here's the undeniable proof.

Here'e the link.

Take care, and have fun.

Polyvios Animations.


How about more gymnastics attitudes?


Well, Emi K P, the reason why you don't like doing the fast figure drawings is because arguably you need to give yourself some time to get used to the process of quantity over quality in the figures, even the animals, yet you don't know how to handle it appropriately yet, but I think you're doing fine, therefore, you're too roughest on yourself, no pun intended. Solution, please take a deepest breath yet loosen yourself up but go with the flow.

Yet, greatest job on your hooved animal sketches, but I think your progress and process are all totally on the excellent track, but I feel that these are, though anatomically articulate, but the motion of the animation lines all seem too rigidest but stilted. Why don't you please try out doing 6 minutes of 2 minute equine poses? (3 equine sketches)

As a result, your hooved animal drawings will become less stilted and the most loosest, fluidest, but flowing yet. For most info, look into the Force Animal Drawing book on Kindle by Mike Mattessi.

My hat's off to you, and good luck.


Good evening, Olivia Flapdoodle, and welcome to our site. How are you tonight?

Say, you're doing a mighty fine spot of progress on your first Imgur post link. I love how expressively you've drawn your fluid lines of action and rhythms, but I feel that your shapes of lights and tones are spot on, but I think that these all need some more loosening up, because they all seem all too timidest to me. Why don't you please do our interactive drawing tutorial right here?

The logical reason behind this criticism is because, deep down you are totally gonna refresh yourself in gesture drawing fundamentals on not just figures, but practically anything and everything online and/or offline for your learning curves. You can start off with the quickest lines of action warmups, but end there with the longest but carefullest construction studies.

Hope this has helped you out so much!


Greatest start, but I see that flow in every pose that you drew. I think that your fluidity of the poses are all spot on, but I feel that the fluidity is not too exaggerated enough yet. How would you love to go ahead with 5 minutes of 30 second figure warmups?

The thesis is because if you can do those warmups, then your fluid lines will become least stilted and most liveliest. For most details, look into the 2 PDFs of the Walt Stanchfield books here, and here.

Good luck from me and my hat's off from me.


To Whom It May/Might Concern

I have a problem with my latest image from my last 6 hour class. This image won't budge into my account. Please take action right away.

Polyvios Animations.


Here's the link.


Hey, Artisfun,

Why is their nothing on your reply? Please add you topic to your window!



Hello again, Emi, but once again, greater job on your reptiles to birds. I think they you are all on the right track of all of those but the signature style needs more looser lines of action and rhythm. Would you like to go for 40 minutes of 60 second sketches of those creature sketches?

The reason why you could do this constructive critique is because you can make your signature drawing style of animal forms less stiffer, yet to make them more expressive, appealing, and more like they appear to move. Either way, your style is very unique thus far, but for more info, look into the Ken Hultgren Animal drawing book, link right heeere.

'Hope these have helped you out even more.


Good afternoon, Emi, but nicest job on your range of gestures, your forms, and your perspectives and proportions and angles of your human figures. I love them so much. I think you have boatloads of promise, but I feel that these poses need much more exaggeration and satirical expression. How would you love to go ahead with 7 minutes of 28 second poses, flipped horizontally, all just to completely warm yourself up? (350/28≈13 scribble warmups)

35-28=7 70/28=2 r 14 28 56 84

The reason why you could and would try out this constructive criticism is because you could and should be able to quickly draw your crosshatching less stiff but less stilted, but more dynamic, crazy and spontaneous. Not to mention to make your lines of action more crazy and intense in your storytelling pose drawings. For most info, look into Volume 1 of the Walt Stanchfield book PDF here!

My hat's off to you.